As many of you at WLBC know, we have begun to support missionary Peter Colón who has a heart for the Jewish people and faithfully ministers to them in the U.S. and in Israel.  You may recall that Peter did a fantastic presentation at our church about the Feast of Tabernacles.  Check out the Friends of Israel website for more information on the great work Peter does (  Since we have begun to support him, we are now receiving updates about his work.  Unfortunately, Peter and his wife Janis are in the path of a category 5 hurricane at the time I am posting this blog.  Please be much in prayer for their safety.  Here is the “Colón Report” for September/October 2017:

This is a bit different for my usual “Colón Report."  You probably know that we're facing a category 5 hurricane. They estimate the winds will be up to 185mph.  That's crazy!  Presently we are involved in preparations.  We're staying home to ride it out.   I guess you know that our trust is in the Lord.  So, remember us in your prayers.  We know that some of you are also in the path of the storm, as well.  Know that we are remembering you in prayer.

Both Janis and I have been ill for a few days.  Janis had chronic bronchitis.  It was hard on her.  Then I was just diagnosed with early pneumonia.  We both went to local urgent care center and got treated with antibiotics and some other things.  We're on medications and we are getting better, but its slow. Along with the coming hurricane, it gave us pause to reflect how weak and frail we are.  How grateful that the Lord knows and His mercy endureth forever.  We both were instructed to take it easy, that's a bit challenging at the moment.

So, we want to say thank you for your faithfulness in co-laboring with us in ministry.  I anticipate some great opportunities are still to come.